Of all the gifts God has given us, creativity might be my favorite. Not only is it amazingly practical, allowing us to solve problems and bring beauty into the world, but it’s magical and fun, too. When we were children, creativity was a regular part of life, whether it led to building a fort out of blocks, fashioning a fantasy world with our imagination, or coloring made-up creatures with our crayons.
It’s hard to imagine fashioning an entire solar system made up of planets and stars, but this painting is a reminder of the connection with share with the great Creator. Although He allows us to join in Him the creative process, just like children, our results don’t always look quite as elegant. But it doesn’t matter. Because the reward is still the same and our efforts still matter.
It’s been written that on the fourth day of creation, God said, “Let there be light.” And then he put the sun and the moon and the stars in their places. Here’s the amazing thing: the declaration still stands, but the torch has been passed to us.
In many ways, we still live in a dark world. It needs more light.
Yes, it needs more than you or I can generate on our own, but never forget that even a tiny light can fill a room. The good news is we have what it takes because we have the gift of creativity.
product details
This colorful artwork by Jason Kotecki comes in a variety of sizes. (Prints and canvas reproductions .)
30"x24" Original Painting. Oil on canvas, made with professional quality archival grade art materials.
*Financing available! Own this piece with 20% down and the balance paid off over six months. to learn more.